Origin of the architecture name and other terms
The main misperception most people have is in thinking the "PC" in the PowerPC name means PC in the way they know. It does not stand for personal computer. PowerPC is an acronym for Performance optimization with enhanced risc Performance Computing. I believe the capital P and C at the end is what leads most to think it means personal computer.
For those that don't know what "RISC" means, I can assure you it doesn't mean it takes any type of risk. RISC and CISC are the two fundamental computer architecture bases. RISC means reduced instruction set computer, and CISC means complex instruction set computer. ARM, Power and PowerPC are examples of RISC. Intel and AMD are examples of CISC. Reduced instruction does not mean it skips things but rather that it carries more data per cycle. CISC pipelines can be over 20 steps long compared to under 10 for most RISC architectures. PowerPC systems, like the G4 for example, only need 7 steps in the pipeline.
Personal computer is another term that has been horrifically misused over the years. PC is the acronym that was started for computers that could sit on a desk, in the era which most still took up whole rooms or at least an entire wall of a room. The PC term has somehow evolved into meaning wintel/x86 hardware specifically when it really means any computer that can fit on a table. All Mac hardware is as much a PC as any wintel system. The sad fact is that Apple themselves have helped twist this term. They are easily the biggest culprit in all this to be honest. They have used the term themselves since the 80's to separate the Mac from the rest of the industry. The proper term for a windows PC is "Wintel". This term started to specifically mean a Windows system powered by Intel but has evolved to mean windows systems in general. I assume this was due to Intel's dominance especially early on in the game.
Although I respect the names of anything PowerPC related that uses the "PPC" term this is an incorrect way to refer to it. When it comes to the technology industry as a whole most people would take PPC to mean pocket PC. This is the term used in the CorePlayer pocket PC version and the one that fools the unknowing into thinking they have found Mac copies of it online. For the record the Mac copy has always been named CorePlayer OS X. To be fair to those that use PPC I cannot blame them because there are actually developers that use it so it's easy to mistake it for a legitimate acronym. All the BSD versions available on PowerPC for example are all referred to as PPC as are several Linux distros. Mainstream Mac software sites like MacUpdate always use PPC also.
It was years of hearing and seeing these terms misused combined with the google search hits I get here that motivated me to write this. It's shocking how many separate the power and pc when they type it. It is an acronym and they don't have spaces. So once again, the "PC" at the end of PowerPC stands for performance computing.
Very informative, thank you!