The twitter situation

Using twitter the last few days has been moderately interesting, but for the most part I have been reminded why I never used my personal account.  I'm pretty much officially over Twitter (again) already.

Another thing of note is that the amount of visitors we get is at least 300-500 unique ip hits per day, yet we only have gotten 21 followers in the first week.  This tells me that the regular readers here are pretty much as crotchety about social networking as I am.  After all, it does take a specific kind of person to appreciate the angle this blog comes from.  People who think like the Dr. and myself have no time for trends of any type.  While Twitter is one of the better parts of the social networking world, it's still part of a culture that I really cannot relate to.

I can't speak for Dr. Dave, but I am over Twitter already.  I may post something now and then or we may just agree to delete the account.

All I really care to spend free tech time on is writing for this blog and using Linux more.  That is what I shall continue doing.

I tried...  140 characters just isn't for me.  Far too limiting and I also tend to hate popular things by default.

This blog will not make any other attempts at social networking.  All that matters is the forward motion of PowerPC and you can get that right here.

Note:  The twitter account has now been deactivated as of June 21.  

Side note

Debian 7 LXDE is amazingly good BTW.  The stable release was introduced in the recent past.  It puts Lubuntu to shame in terms of pure functionality and reliability.  Debian is not as bleeding edge with the kernel and default app versions as Lubuntu is but it's as rock solid as you can get. 

More on that soon.


  1. Twitter is only good for sending hate tweets at various political/media figures. Can do that in 140 characters or less, but not blogging about Linux. Need much much more.

  2. Thank you very much for this blog but also for not going to Twitter. I fully agree with your view on it. I was one of those looking around there but I just could not bring myself to subscribe to it. Thanks again !

    1. By your wording it seems like you thought we were abandoning the blog for twitter. I would never think of such a thing.

      The twitter account was never going to be more than a side add-on to what we do here. Turns out it couldn't even fill that role.

      Social networking and I never mix because I prefer to socialize with computers. Computers are always logical.

  3. No, its not that. I just did not want to miss any interesting posts by not being a subscriber to twitter. Thanks again for the good work.

  4. Funnily enough, right after this post went up twitter disabled it's older API still in use by the various twitter clients left that run on PowerPC. Oh Wells.
