Our first birthday!

I started this blog a year ago today, and a lot has happened in that time.  I have taken on everything from the greatness of the PowerPC architecture, to the backward immorality of Low End Mac.

In January of this year, the blog was made even better with the addition of Dr.Dave.  A veterinarian, and a man of many skills, Dave has been one of the greatest things to ever happen to this blog.  Together we have made this place a lightning rod for progressive ideas on how to move this amazing architecture forward, and keep those PowerPC Macs the healthiest and most secure they can be.

We have fought against the backward thinking ignoramuses that try to convince people to use only outdated and non-secure MacOS.  The good news is that this group is shrinking all the time.  Almost on a daily basis, in fact.  To those that were in denial, but have now seen the light, that is what this blog is all about.  There are now a lot less people pushing this backward thinking, so this has given the Dr. and myself a lot more time to concentrate on what is important, security and computing skill advancement.

Looking forward, we will continue on the same path we have always taken.  A path of advancement, with a big dose of unfiltered truth to munch on along the journey.

A big thanks to all our readers also.  Without you guys there would be no one to read what we write.

To help us celebrate our first birthday, we ask you to share what this blog has meant to you, and how it has helped you not only learn, but understand things you already knew in a different light.

Long live PowerPC, skill advancement, Debian, BSD, and this blog.


  1. Wow a year already! Unfortunately there's still at least one "ignoramus" over at Mac Rumors who thinks Linux on PowerPC is dead while they also said in the same sentence that Linux on POWER isn't, which is an oxymoronic statement since nearly any OS that runs on POWER can run on PowerPC with some or no modifications since the newer POWER chips share the same instruction set as PowerPC.

    1. There will always always be ignorant, blind to the truth, Apple fanboys at MR. Always.

      I stay away from that shithole completely. I can only take so much faking and pretending from people before I feel the need to vomit.

      My advice is don't waste your time there. 99 out of 100 people who post there (especially in the PowerPC forum) have no business ever giving advice to anyone.

    2. I agree but there is a few "good ones" there. The place seems to be filled with even more iSheep fanboys since the iCrap really took off (iPhone, iPad etc.). Still, I have yet to find another active PowerPC forum on the internet.

      Sorry for the late-ish reply.

  2. The blog is only at risk of fleas when a member of Low End Mac visits. I'm working on some ignorant flea repellent code to help with that.

    When all else fails, the doctor can step in.
