A hopeful real return

It has been quite a while, over two years to more precise. I hope every one is well and healthy, especially during these trying times.

I have moved into a development position at my employer. My on the job focus revolves around ASP.net, C# and querying Microsoft SQL databases. This has been a wonderful opportunity to learn and self teach. I now have enough experience and theory to branch out to other languages. My goal is to pursue Python, Swift, Objective-C and C++. I have a "27inch iMac" and a 2015 MacBook Air for pursuing Swift. I have set up a 17 inch PowerBook G4 for Python, Objective-C and C++ development. I have no idea what software I would like to build yet. I have time to figure that out, there is plenty of learning to do first. I still have several PowerPC Macs besides the 17 inch PowerBook G4 mentioned earlier.

I will share the journey here. I have documented my current process I go through when setting up a Tiger or Leopard install. You can find them at my git repository. Any software I create will also be hosted there.

I know it has been a while. It is good to be back with all of you. Take care!

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